October 25: History of 25 October in India and the world, 25 October ka Itihas

October 25

October 25: According to the Gregorian calendar, October 25 is day number 298 in a year, and day number 299 if it is a leap year. October 25 has its own special significance in the history of India and the world, because many important events took place on this day which have remained recorded forever in the pages of history. Let us know some such important events of October 25, knowing which will increase your general knowledge.

The collected facts will be such as: famous people born on this day, death of famous people, war treaties, independence of any country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international days etc.

Important events of October 25 in the world

Incident year incident/incident/narrative
1147 Reconquista forces under Afonso I of Portugal capture Lisbon from the Moors after a four-month siege in one of the few Christian settlements during the Second Crusade.
1415 Hundred Years’ War of England—Henry V and his lightly armored infantry and archers defeat heavily armored French cavalry at the Battle of Agincourt on St. Crispin’s Day.
1616 The Dutch sailing ship Erencht reaches Shark Bay on the west coast of Australia, as documented on the Hartog Plate Atkedby explorer Dirk Hartog.

1711 A villager discovered the remains of two ancient historical cities of Italy, Pompeii and Herculaneum.
1747 The British fleet under Admiral Sir Edward Hawke defeats the French at the Second Battle of Cape Finisterre.
1760 George 3 becomes the King of Britain and Ireland.
1812 In the War of 1812—the United States captured HMS Macedonian, thereby becoming the first British warship to be brought into an American port.

1828 St. Catharine Docks opened in London.
1854 Crimean War—Lord Cardigan leads his cavalry to disaster in the Forest of Balaclava.
1861 The Toronto Stock Exchange, the largest stock exchange with trading and petrochemical companies listed in the world, was established.

1870 Postcard was used for the first time in America.
1875 The first performance of one of his most popular compositions, Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1, was given in Boston with Hans Vonbulo as soloist.
1917 The Bolsheviks (Communists) Vladimir Ilyich Lenin seized power in Russia.

1920 Irish playwright and politician Terence MacSweeney dies on hunger strike in Braxton prison after 74 days, bringing the Irish struggle to international attention.
1924 The British arrested Subhash Chandra Bose and sent him to jail for two years.
1924 The Zinoviev letter, later found to be a forgery, is published in the Daily Mail, helping to ensure the British Labor Party’s defeat in the UK general election.

1935 A massive hurricane kills over two thousand people and leaves many homeless and hungry hits Haiti.
1940 Benjamin O. Davis, Sr. becomes the first African-American general of the US Army.
1944 USS Tang, a United States Navy submarine credited with recovering more ships than any other American submarine, it was sunk by its own torpedo.

1944 Heinrich Himmler orders the formation of the Edelweiss Pirates, a non-conformist youth group to help army deserters and those seeking aid from the Nazis.
1945 China succeeded Japan in administering Taiwan to the Allies.
1955 A company named Tappan started selling microwave ovens for home use for the first time.
1960 The first electronic wristwatch hits the market in New York.

1971 The Nationalist Chinese government of Taiwan is expelled while the United Nations recognized the People’s Republic of China.
1971 The United Nations General Assembly adopts Resolution 2758, replacing the Republic of China as China’s representative to the United Nations with the People’s Republic of China.

1972 The first female FBI agents are hired.
1980 The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, a multilateral treaty providing an involuntary method for returning a child abducted to a member state, was concluded in The Hague.

1983 The United States and Caribbean allies invaded Grenada, six days after Bernard Coard seized power in a violent coup.
1984 The viruses that cause non-A and non-B hepatitis are identified by researchers.
2000 Spacecraft Discovery returned to Earth safely after a thirteen-day mission of space journey.

2001 Windows XP was one of the most popular and widely used versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system.
2006 Amid fears of war throughout the country, Somalia’s Islamic Court Union began recruiting thousands of people in response to the military crackdown by Ethiopia.

2008 When pro-government Arab militias attack rebel villages in South Darfur, Human Rights Watch says about 40 civilians have been killed.
2010 A bomb hits Pakpattan in the Punjab province of Pakistan, killing at least eight people and injuring twenty.

2010 Mount Merapi in Central Java, Indonesia began an intense series of eruptions that lasted for a month.
2011 Space Telescope observations confirm that the supernova RCW 86, first observed by Chinese astronomers in 185 AD, died at an unusual rate due to the accumulation of a vacuum.

2012 Cuba and Jamaica were hit by Hurricane Sandy, which then moved towards the Bahamas.
2013: In Nigeria, the Nigerian army killed 74 terrorists of  Boko Haram.

Important events of October 25 in India

Incident year incident/incident/narrative
1951 The first general elections began in India.
1995 Narasimha Rao, the then Prime Minister of India, addressed the 50th anniversary session of the United Nations.
2009 India responds to a Chinese protest that tries to prevent the Dalai Lama from visiting Arunachal Pradesh by saying that he is an “honored guest” and will not be barred.

National Day and International Day celebrated on 25 October 🏁

Name of the Day Level of Celebration
Ayurveda Day national day
Taiwan and Penghu Retrocession Day National day

Famous people born on October 25 😀

Birth year name/class/country
1911 Ghansyam Oza / Politician / India

1920 Rishang Keesing / Politician / India
1929 Manepalli Narayana Rao Venkata